Fix Механика
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FIX МЕХАНИКА – FAKE МЕХАНИКА A complete BULL SHIT service. I had the worst experience ever. I went to their store as my HP laptop’s wifi and Bluetooth isn’t working. I knew the issue was with the internal wifi module and got a new module by myself and then took it to them to fix it. So, in all, I gave them my laptop, old wifi module and new wifi module. The first interaction was on 30-01-2020, and they have told me that they would do the diagnostics and will inform the status by the afternoon. But, called me and told me that the problem is fixed and I could collect the laptop. Here’s the first problem, they did not inform me clearly what the problem is and did not give me an estimate of the fee for repairing it. The same evening, I went to their store and they told me I have to pay 1600Rubles. I paid them and they have informed me that they will rectify any issue within two weeks. An important point to be noted here is that they used my old wifi module and told me that the new module is not correct for this laptop. I returned back home and checked the laptop. Wifi worked fine but the Bluetooth did not work at all. So, I called them and agreed on meeting at 10.30 am on 03-02-2020 but the store’s representative did not turn up till 11.15 am and did not bother to address why he was late. I got a text message from them at 12.51 stating that they fixed the issue and I can collect the laptop. I went to the store on the same evening and when I checked it in front of them, WiFi and Bluetooth did not work at the same time. They have informed me that there is an issue with the Antenna and a new one must be added and I have to 400Rubles more. I agreed and what they did was, they disassembled another laptop in front of me and pulled out the wire and fixed it to my laptop. So, which means, they are just cashing in the extra money and using some old laptop spare parts or even some other customer laptops’ internal parts. The same so-called “Master”, who said my new WiFi module is not correct, has installed it and told me it is working. Now, this even scares me that they must have replaced my laptops internal hardware and stole from it. Who knows! The laptop appeared to be working but when I went back home, the same issue, WiFi and Bluetooth did not work at the same time. I went back to them on 08-02-2020, stating the issues and the “Master” has seen the issue as well. They have started asking me for more money to install a module and I have told them I will not be paying a penny and I have already paid 2000Rubles for this and the issue is not at all resolved. I began to argue that they fix the problem and return my money, the so-called “Master” started using foul language in Russian and asked me he will not be giving the money. Why did they charge 2000Rubles and still the problem is not solved. I have seen them removing parts from another laptop doesn’t it mean that they must have replaced some internal hardware from my laptop? What is the use of this bull-shit service and the “Master” title if he was not able to respect the customers and clear the issues? Do they even have the certifications to run the place and are they even qualified to repair the electronics? Finally, what about privacy? Maybe they must have stolen some of my private data as I was obliged to give them my admin account password though I have created a local account for their usage? I would ask everyone to think of these points before going to such places. It would have just cost me less than 800Rubles to get a new USB WiFi adapter, but I wanted to get an internal fix but these guys did not fix the issue and looted me. I will definitely take this case to the respective authorities. A complete nightmare!

Хочу выразить свою благодарность мастеру по ремонту ноутбука. Перестал включаться ноут и я по началу обратился в сервисный центр по гарантии, мне сказали, что какой-то там северный мост сгорел и все материнскую плату можно выбросить, а так как это из-за перепада напряжения, в страховку это не входит. Посоветовали еще попробовать обратится в "FIX МЕХАНИКА", после не продолжительной диагностики проблема была обнаружена и не в северном мосте, а абсолютно в другом месте. Оставил ноутбук, а утром мне уже позвонили сказали можно забирать. Ноут работает хорошо и не пришлось покупать новую материнскую плату, а работа обошлась в 5 раз дешевле чем стоит плата. Таких мастеров мало осталось, все хотят просто старое, на новое поменять и все, а ремонтировать не умеют. Молодцы, так держать!